Friday, October 28, 2011

Here are the current units of study!

I'll be updating these as the year progresses and feel free to ask any questions you want in the comments section!

Third Grade:
Third grade began the year with a brief look at the works of Dr. Seuss. We discussed several of his works, such as The Sneetches and The Zax, and we learned that though his books are for children, they can have important lessons in them for everyone. The Zax provided the opportunity to discuss compromise and negotiation, and we learned new vocabulary words such as stubborn, rigid, compromise, inflexible, etc. The Sneetches provided the opportunity to discuss discrimination and prejudice. We also discussed the biography of Dr. Seuss. Students learned what a pseudonym is through that discussion.

Third Grade students are currently studying Spanish. We have learned the numbers one through ten and we have learned the Spanish words for ten animals.

Fourth Grade:
Fourth grade began the year with a study of flight and aviation. We began with research about important events and people in the history of aviation. Once we matched the important people with their accomplishment, we put the events in chronological order.  Finally, we chronicled the events on a timeline.

Fourth grade will begin studying Spanish the week of September 26th.

Fifth Grade:
Fifth grade began the year with a study of rivers. We marked the major rivers of the world on a world map, taking the names of the rivers and matching them to their location. Next, we learned about the major explorers of the rivers in the United States through a webquest. We also learned about erosion, levees, tributaries, and other terms pertinent to rivers. We are currently studying the ten major rivers in the United States and researching important information about those rivers.

Sixth Grade:
Sixth grade began the year with a study of inventions. We learned about the most important inventions of the last one hundred years, and we learned about important inventions in the history of transportation. We are currently involved in a webquest that requires us to work in teams of three to uncover the major historical inventions of Asia

Mrs. Cobourn

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